The Police Unity Tour 2015

The Police Unity Tour. What a simple yet perfect way to describe this years cycle ride supporting the charity COPS. Police….yes; Unity….. most definitely; Tour…. as close to riding in a peloton as you will you get! The Police Unity Tour UK has been going for several years now but it was only this year... Continue Reading →

Over in a second.

I am afraid to say that we play at road safety advertising in this country.  Below is a collection of adverts from various parts of the world regarding excess speed and drink driving.  I have to warn you all that some of them are very impactive. They speak for themselves.          ... Continue Reading →

Procedure…………. Speed offences.

I think whatever we do in life we are governed by procedure.  Do you get up in the morning at the same time, wash, shower, breakfast in a certain order? We are creatures of habit essentially.  A rather arbitrary introduction at present.  Courts and the law they oversee are also covered by procedure whether they... Continue Reading →

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